Ipomoea_batatas_pasi3.fa (ID starting with "LG") Ipomoea_batatas_pasi3.fa.md5 (MD5 Code)
BUSCO was run in mode: genome
1989 Complete BUSCOs (C)
1849 Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)
140 Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)
63 Fragmented BUSCOs (F)
69 Missing BUSCOs (M)
2121 Total BUSCO groups searched
Ipomoea_batatas_pasi3.gff3 (ID starting with "g") Ipomoea_batatas_pasi3.gff3.md5 (MD5 Code)
BUSCO was run in mode: transcriptome
1875 Complete BUSCOs (C)
1627 Complete and single-copy BUSCOs (S)
248 Complete and duplicated BUSCOs (D)
150 Fragmented BUSCOs (F)
96 Missing BUSCOs (M)
2121 Total BUSCO groups searched
Ipomoea_batatas_beia2.gff3 (ID starting with "IbXXG") Ipomoea_batatas_beia2.gff3.md5 (MD5 Code)
Ipomoea_batatas_miRNA.gff3 (ID starting with "miR") Ipomoea_batatas_miRNA.gff3.md5 (MD5 Code)